Einige Stimmen von Teilnehmern unserer Expeditionen und Field Sessions



„Die Reise hat mich tief bewegt und für mich neue Fragen zum Verhältnis Mensch-Natur aufgeworfen. Das Format ist außergewöhnlich: die kleine Gruppe, der generationenübergreifende Dialog, das gute Verhältnis von Wissenschaftlern zu Teilnehmern. Dies garantiert, dass man wirklich viel Neues lernt.“ (Dr. Arend Oetker)


"For me, it has been one of the most powerful trips I have made in my life, I have learned a lot, and the program has just been fantastic.“ (Elsa Bonnier)


"It has been an extraordinary experience. Greenland is the perfect place to witness the overwhelming power of nature and the importance of succeeding in one of the biggest challenges humanity has ever faced. Scientific knowledge, dialogues, fun and emotions have made the expedition one of the most valuable trips of my life." (Angela Morelli)


“The process provided a safe space for me to address issues that are really important to me. There was a kinship within the group of past experiences as well as current challenges, but most importantly I left the process with confidence about my future journey.”
- Participant, 2011 Botswana Retreat


“A touching experience – insightful, engaging, and mobilizing - and as always with a lot of fun among great people.”
- Participant, 2015 Greenland


Field Sessions

"I loved the concept of the field session: changing from theory to practice worked very well."

- Participant, 2018 Field Session I in Hamburg
"It was a great combination of people who brought in different perspectives."
- Participant, 2018 Field Session I in Hamburg


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Felicitas von Peter

Tel: 030-2408824-0