What is “Active Philanthropy”?
“Active Philanthropy” is a form of philanthropic engagement which is not limited to giving financial support, but also encompasses an active role in achieving a particular goal. So a donor might, for example, use his professional experience to help an organisation draw up its business plan, or provide both advice and practical support in other matters.

At whom are Active Philanthropy’s services directed?
The target group is primarily individuals and families, but also institutions, who want to use their resources in a strategic and sustainable fashion for good causes. We direct our services at donors in Germany and Europe in general.

How does Active Philanthropy help donors?
Active Philanthropy offers donors a platform to exchange ideas and experiences. With our workshops, expeditions and information packs we aim to make people aware of the idea of strategic philanthropy and generate enthusiasm for it.

Who is behind Active Philanthropy?
We are a charitable company (gGmbH). Our work is made possible by the support of several families of entrepreneurs who are themselves involved in philanthropic work. They support Active Philanthropy both financially and with advice and practical help. You can find some of our supporters here.

How does Active Philanthropy set itself apart from other providers of “Foundation support services”?
Active Philanthropy sets itself apart from these providers through its focus on questions of content and strategy – that is, the questions that are at the heart of philanthropic engagement. Furthermore we are high-profile industry players in Europe who stand for a new, active and entrepreneurial culture of philanthropy.

Can Active Philanthropy help charitable organisations with fundraising – by passing on information to potential donors, for example?
Unfortunately we cannot help organisations with their fundraising activities, as this would go against our role as a neutral institution and contravene our stated charitable aim.

Does Active Philanthropy provide financial support?
No, Active Philanthropy does not provide financial support.

As a charitable organisation we are dependent on financial support from donors. Can we give Active Philanthropy information about our work and projects? And what would Active Philanthropy do with that information?
When we recommend projects to our clients to be supported we stay with organisations that are already known to us or which have been recommended through our network of whose quality we are certain.

Charitable organisations with which we are not familiar are nevertheless very welcome to send us information about their work. In the event that there are points of contact between the work of such an organisation and ours and certain qualitative standards are met, we will happily make contact.